The Law Office of Samuel A. Rodabough PLLC is a law firm based in Bellevue, Washington that offers a full range of litigation, transactional, administrative/regulatory, and consulting services related to the use and enjoyment of real property. The firm emphasizes real estate law, land use law, property law, environmental law, and civil litigation and provides legal representation throughout Washington State for clients of all sizes. The firm's practice areas listed below are not exhaustive.
Real Estate
Covenants, conditions, & restrictions (CC&Rs)
Boundary disputes/property line disputes
Boundary line adjustments
Adverse possession/prescriptive easements
Code enforcement defense (stop work orders, notices of violation, compliance orders, etc.)
Permit fees/impacts fees
Homeowners associations/condominium associations
Condominium declarations and bylaws
Payback agreements/developer extension agreements
Purchase and sale agreements
Title research, due diligence and acquisitions
Environmental Law
Critical areas/sensitive areas
Wetlands and regulatory compliance/defense
Endangered Species Act compliance
Environmental compliance - State Environmental Policy Act (SEPA) compliance and defense
Clean Water Act compliance, permitting, and defense
Forest practices
Environmental mitigation
Natural resources
Land Use & Zoning
Conditional use permits/special use permits
Reasonable use exceptions
Administrative appeals under Land Use Petition Act (LUPA)
Regulatory compliance, permitting, defense and/or appeals related to:
Growth Management Act (GMA),
Shoreline Management Act (SMA), shoreline master programs
Comprehensive plans
Critical areas/sensitive ordinances
Development Agreements
Local, state, and federal legislative and rulemaking processes
Shoreline permitting, including docks, shoreline armoring (bulkheads, revetments), single-family residences, etc.
Permitting, including local, state and federal permitting, environmental review, and strategic planning
Civil Litigation & Appeals
Real estate/real property litigation
Administrative hearings and judicial litigation
Damage claims
Property rights and takings
Condemnation/eminent domain defense
Takings claims/inverse condemnation
Property damage, nuisance, timber trespass
Illegal or excessive permit fees and taxes
Public Records Act, Freedom of Information Act
Title insurance claims